All us girls...

All us girls...
missing my mom

Friday, October 28, 2011

Spooky SM Swap

I rececently participated in a Swap of custom SM models for Halloween that was done on the Model Horse Blab message board. We sign up, get paired w/ a partner and we send each other a small horse "customized" by us along with treats and souvenirs from our location. I received mine today. It is a SM in a bowl w/ a candle, (not real spooky, but very pretty) and a "Cow Pie." I'm posting some pics of the model I received today and some of the little green monstrosity I did. I shipped him out to Canada along with some diff candies, several MO souvenirs, an additional NIB SM w/ rider, and a couple Star Trek items from my personal collection. I think there are only 6 unopened packages of Star Trek confetti in existence. I sent this collector one of mine. I hope she likes the stuff!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Model Horse Collection

I thought I'd start posting pics of my model horse collection as it is something I enjoy so much! This hobby has become so much fun and I have met a lot of great people who love it as much as I do. There is even a huge event every year called Breyerfest that is attened by thousands (yes, thousands) of collectors. You would have to see it to believe it! On to my collection. Please remember these pictures are just a small start!

 When you see several of the same horse in a row but in different colors, that is what collectors in this hobby call a "conga line." The companies that produce these horses will produce the same mold in a variety of colors and finishes. Invariably there will be some molds that collectors will fall in love with. THEN the hunt os on to get that model in every color and finish so they can be displayed together in a "conga line." The hunt is part of the fun! As you will see, I have a regular "Copa Cabanna" going on here. There is no way I can post pics of all of it at once so check back every now and then!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gypsy Rose

My niece Shayli and I have gotten us a mare. Her name is Gypsy Rose. She is the sweetest thing and i'm not sure she knows she is a horse! She wants to be in everybody's business and is just a big baby. We're loving her to death!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Time to catch up!

It's been a while since I have posted here, I know! I will be downloading pics in theh nnext few days and catching up on things. It's been sort of a busy summer so far and I've been having lots of fun. Be back later!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My other kidz.....

Dixie, the beagle and Srgt. Schultz, the dachshund. Both big babies.

My Girls

Here is a picture of my girlz... Sarah, who is the oldest and Renee', the baby.

Thanksgiving in Texas

My brother, Spencer, his wife Mandy, their kids, Dylan and Shayli and I all loaded up and went to Texas to see my daughter and her family for Thanksgiving last year. The night we left, we drove thru some of the hardest rain I had seen in long time. It was avery interesting drive down there, one of the highlights was getting pulled over in OK and cracking up the cop 'cause we were laughing so hard I cried and the cop laughed too when I told him that Spencer wanted to pick up a "tarp tie?" that was lying by the road but wouldn't get out because he thought the cop would shoot him. Oh well, I got off w/o a ticket. :) There was something happening all the time. I still havej't found a Wallibeast. That's another story. I do know if you can go a trip like that with family and you all get back without hating each other, you've got a pretty good thing going.